What’s New at Aesthetic Audio Systems
We at Aesthetic Audio Systems are excited about inviting our new Music Director, Gary Malkin, to join our team. Since our beloved Don Campbell passed away a number of years ago, we’ve put a great deal of thought into who we wanted to invite to work with us in taking AAS to the next level. After numerous meetings, deep discussions, and the sharing of our mutual visions, we’re clear that we all share the vision for musical and sonic innovations and strategies applied to healthcare environments that will create more ease and flow, harness the power of beauty, and design conditions in which there can be a higher likelihood of more humane, inspired experiences for all.
To familiarize you with Gary and his perspectives about utilizing music to enhance our environments and to enrich our lives in general, we asked him to share his thoughts about the importance of integrating arts and music strategies in today’s work environments, with a special focus on healthcare institutions. We also asked him to share with you some of the musical innovations he’s been cultivating, developments that he hopes to be able to offer to you, our clients, as you join us in exploring “what the future of healthcare sounds like”. To learn more about his philosophy about why today’s healthcare needs music and sound strategies more than ever, read his blog on this website.